Dental Bonding Overview & Procedure
Dental bonding is a minimally invasive procedure that can restore teeth from cosmetic problems such as stains, chips, cracks, or gaps. The results allow you to feel more confident with your smile. When teeth are free of decay or exposure, bonding can be performed without the aid of anesthesia.
The bonding material is personalized to resemble an array of colors. This allows the restoration to match the shade and tone of your own teeth. The composite resin is produced by a material that is both durable and stain resistant. When finalized, it is then smoothed and polished to emulate the look and feel of natural teeth.
Dental bonding is provided in the following scenarios:
- Protect Exposed Roots of Teeth
- Repair Cracks and Chips
- Modify Misaligned Teeth
- Fill Gaps Between Front Teeth
- Adjust Loose Teeth
- Diminish Stains